Script: --on windowEvent wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global FindType, FindSelectNum, gUsersHaveKeyboard¬global kioskMode, myWdID, gWhichItem¬global gWindowPositions, gFindListStartPos¬¬---------------------¬-- This is window #9¬---------------------¬¬if objValue="Open" then ¬ set cursor to watch ¬ if the short name of this bg <> "Title" then ¬ lock screen ¬ go cd 1 of bg "Title" ¬ end if¬ ¬ put wdID into myWdID¬ ¬ -- Restore old window position¬ put OldWindowPosition(9) into windowRect¬ if windowRect = empty then centerWindow wdName¬ else wsSet wdID,"0","Rect",windowRect¬ ¬ put (gUsersHaveKeyboard = false) and (kioskMode = true) into disableOthers¬ if disableOthers and ((findType = "Other…") or (findType = "Title Description")) then ¬ put "1st appearance" into findType¬ end if¬ ¬ put find (cd fld "FindTypes" of cd 2,findType,"Line","Exact") into findSelectNum¬ if findSelectNum < 1 then¬ put 1 into findSelectNum¬ put line 1 of cd fld "FindTypes" of cd 2 into findType¬ end if¬ ¬ add 4 to findSelectNum -- To get to the proper item #¬ get "i5_Hilite:False" & return & "i6_Hilite:False" & return & "i7_Hilite:False" & return & "i8_Hilite:False" & return & "i9_Hilite:False" & return & "i10_Hilite:False" & return & "i11_Hilite:False" & return & "i12_Hilite:False" & return & "i13_Hilite:False" & return & "i" & findSelectNum & "_Hilite:True" & return & "i12_Disabled:" & disableOthers & return & "i13_Disabled:" & disableOthers & return & "i15_Disabled:" & disableOthers & return ¬ set the properties of window id wdID to It¬ ¬ put theGroup into findType -- In case it wasn’t set before¬ put findSelectNum into gWhichItem¬ ¬ set alphaStrip_Selection of window id wdID to "2,1"¬ send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2 ¬ ¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ enable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ set cursor to arrow¬ ¬else if objValue="Close" then ¬ -- save the window position¬ put "9" & tab & wdName & tab & wsGet(wdID,"0","Rect") into line 9 of gWindowPositions¬ put frontWindow() into theFrontID¬ if wsGet(theFrontID,"0","HasCloseBox") <> "True" then¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ disable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ end if¬ ¬else if objValue="Suspend" then ¬ put frontWindow() into theFrontID¬ if wsGet(theFrontID,"0","HasCloseBox") <> "True" then¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ disable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ end if¬ ¬else if objValue="Resume" then ¬ if the short name of this bg <> "Title" then ¬ lock screen ¬ go cd 1 of bg "Title" ¬ end if ¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ enable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ ¬end if¬--end windowEvent
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 381,94,453,114
TextSize: 12
Name: Find
DefaultItem: TRUE
Balloon: Click here to find issues that match the criteria you’ve specified.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬set cursor to busy¬get Windowscript("Finding Comics","Searching:",true,true)¬send FindAComic to cd btn "FindAComic" of cd 2¬if there is a window "Finding Comics" then wsSend "Finding Comics","0","Close"¬send HandleFoundComics to cd btn "FindAComic" of cd 2¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: BOX
Rect: 8,94,336,259
Visible: FALSE
WhiteColor: -4370,-4370,-4370
Pen: White
Fill: White
ItemType: LIST
Rect: 13,116,364,299
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
AutoSize: FALSE
GrowItem: TRUE
Name: ComicTitles
Logic: Single
DoubleClickItem: 1
Text: Aakon (alien race)¬Abel¬Abomination, The¬Access¬Access (out of costume)¬Adam Strange¬Adaptoid¬Admonisher, The¬Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters, The¬Adri Nitall¬Aegeus¬Aeon¬Aerialbots¬Agamemnon (physical)¬Agatha Harkness¬Agent Liberty¬Aginar¬Ahpuch¬AIM¬Airboy (Golden Age, in modern era)¬Airboy (modern)¬Air-Walker (real form)¬Air-Walker (robot form)¬Air Wave II (Harry “Hal” Jordan)¬Ajak¬A.J. Analla¬Alexander Luthor Jr.¬Alex Summers (Havok)¬Alf (in comics)¬Alfred¬Algrim¬Alice Cooper¬Alicia Masters¬Aliens¬Alita¬Alley-Kat-Abra¬Allies, the¬All-Star Squadron¬All Winners Squad¬Alpha Flight (cameo)¬Alpha Flight (full)¬Alter Ego¬Amanda Waller¬Amazing Grace¬Amazing Man¬Amazo¬Amazon¬Ambush Bug¬American Crusaders, The¬American Eagle¬American Eagle II (James Dore Jr.)¬American Scream¬American, The (modern)¬Amethyst¬Anaconda¬Anak¬Anarky¬Ancient One, The¬Ancient, The¬Andar¬Andromeda¬Angar the Screamer¬Angela¬Angelica¬Angel II¬Angel I, The¬Angel & The Ape¬Angle Man¬Anima¬Animal Man¬Animal Man (in costume)¬Animal Man (no costume)¬Ani-Men¬Anna May Watson¬Annex¬Annie¬Annihilus¬Answer, The¬Anthro¬Anti-Kryptonite¬Anti-Monitor (as shadow, voice)¬Anti-Monitor (fully shown)¬Anti-Spawn¬Ant-Man¬Ant-Man (in costume)¬Ant-Man (out of costume)¬Anvil¬Ape-Man I (Gordon “Monk” Keefer)¬Ape-Man II (Roy McVey)¬Apocalypse (full appearance)¬Apocalypse (in shadows)¬Apokolips¬Apollo¬Applejack¬Aquagirl¬Aqualad¬Aquanoids, The¬Arabian Knight¬Arachnus¬Aragorn¬Arak, Son of Thunder¬Arcade, Spider-Man¬Archangel (cameo)¬Archangel (full appearance)¬Archetype¬Archie¬Arena¬Ares¬Ares (DC)¬Argent (sorcerer)¬Argos¬Argus¬Aric Dacia¬Arion¬Arishem the Judge¬Arkham Asylum¬Arkon¬Arkus¬Armada¬Armadillos¬Arnim Zola¬Aron the Rogue Watcher¬Arson¬Artemis¬Arvell Hauser¬Ash¬Asp II (Cleo)¬Atalon¬Atari Force (in standard comics)¬Atlas¬Atomic Knights¬Atomic Man¬Atomic Skull¬Atom II (Ray Palmer)¬Atomik Angels, The¬Aton¬Atrocity¬Attuma¬Aunt May¬Auron¬Aurora¬Avalanche¬Avatar¬Avengelyne¬Aviax¬Awesome Android¬Awkwardman¬Ayre¬Azrael¬Azrael (as Batman)¬Aztec¬Aztec Ace
Balloon: This is a list of all known characters, storylines, etc. which match the find type chosen above.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global autoClicking¬¬put comicTitles_TextOfSelection of window id wdID into selectedThing¬set i1_disabled of window id wdID to (selectedThing = empty)¬¬set the properties of window id wdID to "typedTitle_Text:" & selectedThing & return & "typedTitle_Selection:0,200" & return¬¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoClickFindButton to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: BOX
Rect: 13,12,457,79
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
TextStyle: Bold
BlackColor: -26215,-26215,-26215
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Find
Fill: White
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 20,25,112,37
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: 1st appearance
Hilite: TRUE
Balloon: Click here to see a list of all known first appearances (the first time a character is seen in comic books). ¬¬After clicking here, choose a character’s name from the list below, then click “Find” to find the first appearance of that character.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 20,57,129,69
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Special appearance
Balloon: Click here to see a list of all known appearances a character makes outside of their usual comic title. ¬¬After clicking here, choose a character’s name from the list below, then click “Find” to find a list of special appearances for the character.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 20,41,113,53
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: 2nd appearance
Balloon: Click here to see a list of all known second appearances (the 2nd time a character is seen in comic books). ¬¬After clicking here, choose a character’s name from the list below, then click “Find” to find the 2nd appearance of that character.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 140,25,191,37
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Origin
Balloon: Click here to see a list of all characters who have origin stories (stories that tell how that character came to be).¬¬After clicking here, choose a character’s name from the list below, then click “Find” to find the the character’s origin issues.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 140,41,189,53
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Death
Balloon: Click here to see a list of all known titles that show a character death. ¬¬After clicking here, choose a character’s name from the list below, then click “Find” to find the issue (or issues!) that the character died in.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 140,57,206,69
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Storyline
Balloon: Click here to see a list of all known special storylines (either multi-part storylines, or simply very good ones). ¬¬After clicking here, choose a storyline from the list below, then click “Find” to find the list of all issues that comprise the story).
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 240,25,294,37
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Writer
Balloon: Click here to find any special issues not covered in the items to the left (1st appearances, 2nd appearances, etc.). After clicking here, type the key words you’re looking for (e.g. “Wedding”), then click “Find” to find any issues matching your criteria.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 240,41,292,53
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Artist
Balloon: Click here to find any special issues not covered in the items to the left (1st appearances, 2nd appearances, etc.). After clicking here, type the key words you’re looking for (e.g. “Wedding”), then click “Find” to find any issues matching your criteria.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 240,57,339,69
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Title Description
Balloon: Click here to find any special issues not covered in the items to the left (1st appearances, 2nd appearances, etc.). After clicking here, type the key words you’re looking for (e.g. “Wedding”), then click “Find” to find any issues matching your criteria.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 350,25,422,37
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Title Name
Balloon: Click here to find any special issues not covered in the items to the left (1st appearances, 2nd appearances, etc.). After clicking here, type the key words you’re looking for (e.g. “Wedding”), then click “Find” to find any issues matching your criteria.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬global gShowOnlyMyTitles¬¬put false into gShowOnlyMyTitles -- Reset to avoid confusion¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 350,41,407,53
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 9
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Other…
Balloon: Click here to find any special issues not covered in the items to the left (1st appearances, 2nd appearances, etc.). After clicking here, type the key words you’re looking for (e.g. “Wedding”), then click “Find” to find any issues matching your criteria.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gWhichItem, myWdID, autoClicking¬¬put objNo into gWhichItem¬put wdID into myWdID¬send ActivateFindRadio to cd btn "ActivateFindRadio" of cd 2¬if autoClicking = true then¬ send AutoSelectFindAlpha to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 14,98,52,111
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
Name: Prompt
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
TextStyle: Bold
Text: Name:
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 51,96,348,113
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
Name: TypedTitle
LockText: FALSE
Text: Aakon (alien race)
KeyFilter: SendFindTextNoArrows
ItemType: PICT
Rect: 13,301,364,316
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: AlphaStrip
Grid: 27,1
Logic: Radio
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global gFindList, autoClicking¬¬SetNewList gFindList, objValue, wdID, true¬if autoClicking = true then ¬ send AutoSelectFromFindComicsList to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp